Know Your Worth

Featuring Christine Clarity McDonald
Christine is a member of the Missouri State Advisory Council for Behavioral Health & Substance Disorders.
I am Christine McDonald, a formerly prostituted woman. Once upon a time, I was trafficked, bought and sold, tortured, and governed by my possessor as well as my addiction. For over 20 years, my possessor demanded my body to pay for his opulence, while my addiction demanded my body to pay for my survival.
I am also Christine McDonald, a daughter of the King. Once upon a time, I was rescued from my possessor and my addiction by the mercy of a gracious God. I have been on the other side of the biases. I have felt the judgment. I have felt powerless. And I have been redeemed. But I know there are thousands more like me out there, still trafficked, hurting, and as enslaved to the biases of society as they are to their exploiters. They need people like you and me to look beneath the surface and see them for who they really are.
Genesis 1:27 God created man in His own image, in the image of God He created him; male and female He created them.
“Love your neighbor, all of ’em.” -Christine Clarity McDonald
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