Tag Archives: TRUMP
DONALD TRUMP: JERUSALEM and the 7th 70 of 70’s with 777 of 7’s
TRUMP: Jerusalem becomes the capitol of Israel, and here is the list of 7's.
Jerusalem becomes the capitol of Israel end of 2017.
Donald Trump won the presidential election on the exact same day as the Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s 7th year,...
The Great Divide
Author: Guy Micholic
Our nation has certainly endured many transitions of power in its brief history, but few of them as drastic in contrast as our last. This politically charged atmosphere is serving to widen the chasm between opposing ideologies that shape our collective culture. This clash of belief systems has...
Trump Prophecy: 7 Prosperous Years!
Christian Prophet Kim Clement accurately prophesied God would choose Donald Trump to be the next President of the United States. As early as 2007, he prophesied that God had chosen a “Hot Blooded Man” to be President, to lead the United States. As early as 2007, 2011, and 2013 Kim...
Mindless Aggression Exhibited Toward President Elect
Author: Guy Micholic
Never before in History has there been such unwarranted hostility vented upon an elected official. Mainstream media, political talking heads, the entertainment industry, and certain individuals within Institutions of higher learning have manipulated society into blindly following a new age agenda. The situation has become animated to the...
Obama Delays US Embassy Move to Jerusalem
Author: Paul Lehr
Zechariah 12:2 “Behold, I am going to make Jerusalem a cup that causes reeling to all the peoples around; and when the siege is against Jerusalem, it will also be against Judah.
The verses from Zechariah 12 have global implications. Essentially, the world is against Jerusalem, Israel as noted...
Dear Democrats, This Is Why You Lost
Author: Cayton McDonald
For most people who have followed this election very closely and with an open mind, Tuesday's election results did not come as much of a surprise. For those who have spent the last few days crying, rioting, physically assaulting people (since you know... love trumps hate), and claiming...
A Coup of Truth
Author: Andrew Gilbert Smith
It seems that this year’s election cycle has been fraught with two opposing forces. One resides in the darkness through secret societies and back room deals that undermine the sovereignty of this nation in which we live. The other resides in the light of disclosure. It functions...
Clinton Corruption Caught on Video: Luke 12:2-3 Prophecy Being Fulfilled
Author: Zebulon Rogers
Jesus Christ’s prophecy of exposure in Luke 12 is coming to pass at breakneck pace. A massive nation-wide collusion between Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign staff and Democratic PAC volunteers was exposed as the cause of violent confrontations at Trump rallies, according to...
“Make America Great Again” ~ Caspar McCloud
"Make America Great Again" ~ by Caspar McCloud (SPECIAL VIDEO BENEATH)
"Make America Great Again" ~ Caspar McCloud
"Make America Great Again" (copyright "America") is a song written by Caspar McCloud. The music video above was put together under short notice as a "favor" by PinLight films CEO and director...
Trump Prophecy: 700,000 views in 7 Days on Oct 7th
Trump: The Trump Prophecy documentary -- a film examining "coincidences" from the ancient past to modern day surrounding Donald Trump's run for president has hit 700,000 views in 7 Days on October 7th.
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