In-Depth Studies, Trey Stuff, Trey Videos

The Choice part I of III by Trey Smith

Trey Smith “Choice”. The video above is one of three I initially set out to create which still seem soothing occasionally to listen to even today. The 3 part set of videos I think shows where my heart was during that time.

God bless all of you.



~Trey Smith


Trey Smith: God in a Nutshell - the Choice part 1 or 3

Jesus Loves you.

1 thoughts on “The Choice part I of III by Trey Smith

  1. Samantha Hubner says:

    My name is Samantha. I was reding the Bible with You the other day.
    I felt like I messed up, but every time I would flip the page, I would be on the right one.
    I don’t have any support here, my kids and everyone still say mean things to me. I want to help, my son in law is in the evil stuff, big time and he went and bought a gun the other day for some reason.
    I just want my Father’s Kingdom to be rightfully treated, especially my Father, Our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.
    He should get every bit of glory. I am scared. I don’t know what to do.
    I can’t be here anymore.

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