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Signs: Intro summary

Signs: Intro Summary

Signs: A Summary of the Intro

Signs Intro Summary: This page is a writen version of the concept of the intro to the film Signs by Trey Smith and God in a Nutshell.

Tablets of Destiny

Priestly Ephod and King of Tyre ~ Ezekiel 28

We begin with the Exodus account. The book of Exodus is a story—an historical account—of oppression and deliverance. Literally, it is the story of the waters parting.

Trey Smith with copy of Exodus

Moreover, the Exodus is a story of a dark, oppressive system intended to keep men as slaves.

When the Israelites stood on the edge of the Red Sea, all hope looked lost. Even Moses was not getting an immediate answer from God. It was the silence before the storm; little did the Israelites nor pharaoh understand in those moments before chaos it could be no other way.

Following moments of tense silence, God told Moses, “go to the edge of the water and raise your staff…..”

Before we make it to the Priestly Ephod for the Levitical Priesthood—beginning with Aaron, we start in the wilderness. And in the wilderness, following the Exodus from Egypt, we find that the shape of the Israelite camp was the shape of a cross.

Tablets of Destiny: Israel Camp shaped as cross

Tablets of Destiny: Israel Camp shaped as cross

Prior to the Exodus, there were ten (10) plagues. Ten is Hebrew is the letter Yod (י) with a numeric value of 10. It is a number of completion, also representing God Himself.

There were ten commandments given to Moses by God on tablets of stone at the top of Mount Sinai.

Tablets of Destiny: Ten Commandments

Tablets of Destiny: Ten Commandments

However, the story of the Exodus begins with Moses and Aaron entering pharaoh’s dark inner lair. Aaron’s staff would turn into a serpent. However, the pharaoh was unimpressed, as his magicians—by their dark arts—could do the same.

Each plague represented a god of Egypt. So, in the course of the Exodus all the major gods will have been challenged, ending with the first born son of the pharaoh himself.

Yet, what the pharaoh missed was that this was, from the very beginning, a message to the serpent ~ the Nachash.

Staff becoming Serpent on Tomb of the Pharaoh of the Exodus

Staff becoming Serpent on Tomb of the Pharaoh of the Exodus

The Last Plague of Egypt would be the loss of the first born sons of the Egyptians.

The word pharaoh means “god-king.” So, the first born son of the pharaoh would be the next god-king of all Egypt. Therefore, from pharaoh’s view, the last plague literally represented the death of his personal “son of god.”

This would occur on Nisan 14th ~ the same exact day roughly 1500 years later that Jesus would be crucified on the cross. This was the first Passover.

On the first Passover the Israelites were told to put the “blood of a lamb” on there doorposts. And, if the angel of death saw the blood on the door post he would “pass-over” them. This would be the final plague of Egypt.

Passover for Israel: Nisan 14

Passover for Israel: Nisan 14

The Israelites would then take a three (3) day journey to the Red Sea. Now, from the very beginning of the Exodus account, Moses was telling pharaoh that they needed to take a three (3) day journey; then there would be a large sacrifice.

Pharaoh had no idea, until he stood before waters parted on each side that he and his army were the sacrifice.

Red Sea Crossing Map from Exodus Book

Red Sea Crossing Map from Exodus Book

The Egyptian army chased the Hebrews and caught up them at the Red Sea, knowing they were hemmed in by the water and the wilderness. To get to the crossing spot on the Red Sea, one must go through a canyon with high walls on both sides. The canyon is many, many miles long. Today, that same canyon has a road which is the way in or out.

None-the-less, the Egyptian army caught up with the Israelites three days after Passover. They caught up with them on Nisan 17th. This would precisely three (3) days following the First Passover. The same day Jesus, the true Son of God, came out of the Tomb.

Nisan 17

Nisan 17

Nisan 17th is the day we are told Noah’s ark first hit ground, the day the Red Sea parted, and the day Jesus came out of the Tomb. It is the day Moses told the Hebrews, “the Egyptian army you see now, you shall never see again….”

Now, if we return to our Ephod of the High Priest, beginning with Aaron…

Tablets of Destiny

Priestly Ephod and King of Tyre ~ Ezekiel 28

We can see above that the Ephod in gold has twelve precious stones:

And thou shalt set in it settings of stones, even four rows of stones: the first row shall be a sardius, a topaz, and a carbuncle: this shall be the first row. And the second row shall be an emerald, a sapphire, and a diamond. And the third row a ligure, an agate, and an amethyst. And the fourth row a beryl, and an onyx, and a jasper: they shall be set in gold in their inclosings. And the stones shall be with the names of the children of Israel, twelve, according to their names, like the engravings of a signet; every one with his name shall they be according to the twelve tribes. (Exodus 28:17-21, KJV)

Each stone represents a tribe of Israel.

In Ezekiel 28 we read of a cherub that was in the Garden of Eden having nine (9) precious stones as a covering. It is commonly taught that Ezekiel is speaking to the spirit behind the King of Tyre, the old serpent, the Nachash….

Letter Tet

The ninth (9) letter in Hebrew is the letter Tet. And, there were nine precious stones listed above “covering” our Nachash.

The Tet, or ninth letter in the Hebrew alphabet, does sort of look like a snake particularly in its crowned (tagin) form.

Whatever the case, there are nine precious stones for a covering for this fallen cherub. Perhaps one could say that a new order would replace the old order, destroying the serpent’s order.

Tet generally is believed to represent an empty basket. It could have a pile of gold inside. Or, it could have a poisonous snake inside.

Similarly, the Tet is commonly thought to represent a womb. A pregnancy is nine months. So, this is symbol of the unknown basket that longs to birth something.

The Tet is the least used letter in the Hebrew alphabet; the first place it appears is in Genesis 1:4

God saw that the light was good, and he separated the light from the darkness.

Tet in Hebrew

Tet in Hebrew

A little deeper, the Tet is connected to “separating light from darkness” in its very first usage in the Bible.

However, if we look one passage above to Genesis 1:3 we see the Light of God; “And God said Let there be Light.” This is the same “light” which would be traded for “garments of skins” in Genesis 3:21.

The word “Light” in Hebrew is identical to the word “Skin” except that “skin” now begins with the “Ayin,” or in this case the “Ayin-Ra.”

The Ayin, or number seventy (70) in Hebrew, can be either “light” or “dark.”

In the above image (far right), the word “Light” begins with the Alef (we read from right to left in Hebrew). The Alef represents God Himself, moving through the man (the “Vav”), and into the mind of the man (the Resh).

However, (image to the left above) when we look at the word “skins,” the Alef is replaced with an “Ayin.” And, the Ayin can be either light or dark.

Accordingly, on the far left of the image above I have put the modern Resh in red (far left). Notice the modern Resh is missing the face of the man. It is a mindless man, representing wickedness.

It is a picture of how man ran from the Light of God, and his covering would be his own mindless “skins.”

Yet, speaking of garments, it is in Jasher 7 that we read that the linage of Ham stole a special set of garments that belonged to Noah; the very same garments that had been given to Adam and Eve by God Himself.


This passage, seeming to align also with Book of Genesis 9:20-27, indicates Nimrod felt a strength—or power—when putting on these stolen garments. It gave him authority, like a police officer might feel a certain sense of authority putting on his uniform.

In fact, Joseph had a coat of many colors. And, this coat made him feel special and prideful above his brothers. It was not until Joseph was humbled, having no special garments, only lots of time in a cage to get to know God, that God could begin His powerful work in the once arrogant Joseph. Joseph would then be lifted to the ranks of kingship, but only after he understood humility.

The picture of Nimrod is the picture of the serpents systems. It is a picture of pride, arrogance, greed, lust, murder, theft, lies… and the list goes on….

It is the inverse of the higher order of God Himself. It is a set of systems literally upside-down. It is the reverse of every single one of the Ten Commandments.

Want to Learn More? Check out our film on this topic.

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