Top 10 Revelations From New Wikileaks Release

Author: Cayton McDonald
- Hillary confidant discusses strategies they can “use as the excuse” for not turning over all of her emails despite knowing it was illegal.
- The State Department and HRC’s campaign were in close contact with one another.
- Podesta plotted a “Catholic Spring” to infiltrate the church with progressive ideology to foment revolution.
This one goes to show the absolute disgust that HRC and her friends feel for those who want to continue to have religious liberty in this country. If we don’t like it, you can’t have it. Apparently they “Created Catholics in Alliance” just for this very purpose.
- Emails show that Brazile (now interim chair of the DNC) gave the EXACT wording of a town hall question to the Clinton Campaign
Donna Brazile was able to give Hillary Clinton questions in advance of a town hall debate between her and Bernie Sanders. Brazile denies doing this, she gave the entire question word for word but I guess it is possible that she is just REALLY good at guessing right? I’d hate to play her in a game of trivial pursuit.
- **Shocker** Hillary “hates everyday Americans”
Now this one I say tongue in cheek only because her people now claim that she only hates THE PHRASE “everyday Americans.” However, is it really that off base to assume that a woman who lies to the American public on a daily basis has some distaste for us? Is it really that far fetched to think someone who has separate “public and private policies” so we don’t “get nervous” about them? I think not. Which leads me to the next point…..
- Democrats planned to fool Sanders supporters at the convention so they will “think they’ve won something”
In an email from Mark Siegel he bestowed his “plan” to make the “self-righteous ideologues” who supported Bernie feel like they had accomplished something so they would “work their a–es off for Hillary. His plan? “Since Bernie and his people have been b–ching about super delegates and the huge percentage that came out for Hillary” and “Since the original idea was to bring our elected officials to the convention ex-officio >> ( because of the offices and the constituencies they represent)” he planned to go ahead and stop allowing DNC members who do not have a constituency (which clearly meant nothing anyways. All of this ” So if we “give” Bernie this in the Convention’s rules committee, his people will think they’ve “won” something from the Party Establishment. And it functionally doesn’t make any difference anyway. They win. We don’t lose. Everyone is happy. ”
OUCH! those poor basement dwellers, but grab a chair, you’ll need to sit down for this next one.
- Media in full collusion with campaign to elect Secretary Clinton.
Okay, so I know that is probably just as shocking to you as it would be for me to say “Hillary Clinton is corrupt” but the point still stands. There is now absolute proof that major media outlets have worked directly with the campaign. ABC News, CNBC, The New York Times, and The Boston Globe all closely coordinated with the campaign and the NYT even gave Clinton veto power over which quotes they could use. “These exchanges were pretty interesting, would love the option to use” and so they did, except for the quote making fun of Sarah Palin, that of course was not used per request of the almighty Clinton.
- Hillary has to be guided on how to sway “needy latinos”
In an email entitled “needy Latinos and 1 easy call” Podesta lays out precisely how Hillary can attain the endorsement of Federico Pena. Its easy, just make sure you follow these four easy steps.
“Ken suggests a call to him and was very explicit about making the following four points:
1) you really enjoyed seeing Cindy at the Chambers event and appreciate her support.
2) ask him how he’s been doing
3) ask about his views on the race and what she should be doing in Colorado
4) ask that he consider publicly supporting you.”
Transmission received.
9.Biden aid sabataged his presidential ambitions to help HRC
This one to me just seems sad, but self explanatory. “its been a little hard for me to play such a role in the Biden demise – and I am definitely dead to them”
…… Pretty sickening if you ask me, but hey, at least he is “glad to be on Team HRC” right?
10 Absence of actual liberal media coverage of the leaks
My final point, although not a specific leak, is by far probably the most troubling. With round the clock coverage by the liberal media of an 11 year old lewd conversation from Donald Trump, you would think that surely you could find coverage of the thousands of documents that show everything from criminal behavior to plotting the end of catholic traditions somewhere right? No, every piece I have found has been attempting to debunk, claim that Russia is the cause, or even claiming that the documents have been altered. Considering wikileaks has a record of 100% accuracy since its inception ten years ago, and the fact that they have revealed the collusion with the campaign AND the media in all levels, I think the dishonest ones are tucking tale and running from this one. This is why trust in media is at an all time low, but this doesnt matter to them, they MUST elect Hillary because she “deserves it” right? Forget the obvious corruption, forget the lies, forget the complete collapse of entire countries at her hand… No she deserves this.

Cayton McDonald
Cayton McDonald – Bio
First and foremost I am a family man, married to my best friend and beautiful wife and all together we have five children. I am also a business owner, researcher, guitar player for nearly two decades, singer/songwriter, and someday hope to finish a book I have been researching and outlining for a while now.
I grew up in church my whole life, I traveled the country leading worship at various youth camps while just in high school and had a band that had made it to the radio on several occasions and was getting noticed by some very big people. I ended up quitting the band so I could attend Baptist Bible College in Springfield, Missouri for three years where I majored in Intercultural Studies. My plan was to become a missionary some day but God had other plans for me. I ultimately ended up receiving Christ while I was there realizing that I had never really understood what it meant to really give my life to God. I had gone through the motions but just wasn’t truly living the life, just talking the talk. Immediately after that I entered the roughest time of my entire life.
I left college hating God because of the people who claimed to follow Him and their actions or lack thereof. I ended up with a massive drug habit and saw the darkest parts of this world first hand. I saw death face to face and I even tried to take my life a few times, fortunately to no avail. I ended up in rehab on my birthday after I had lost nearly every friend I had to either death or prison. Even after this I still struggled for a few years with my addiction but eventually was able to overcome my demons and really started to find out who God was for myself, instead of having other people tell me who he was. Now that is all that I do.
I now own a business that God has blessed beyond words and spend most of the time I have with my family as much as possible. They are what is most important in my life, but i still find time to jam out on the guitar, write music and help with the worship team in my church. I live in Richland Hills, TX with my wife Sabrina, my children Ryan (14), Jackson (12), Lola (7), Carolina (5), Paxton(3), and our overgrown German shepherd Hans.