Nakba Day, 2018

Genesis 16:11-12 “And the angel of the LORD said to her, “Behold, you are pregnant and shall bear a son. You shall call his name Ishmael, because the LORD has listened to your affliction. He shall be a wild donkey of a man, his hand against everyone and everyone’s hand against him, and he shall dwell over against all his kinsmen.”
These are the descendants of Ishmael…
May 15, 2018: Nakba Day
Nakba is the word for “catastrophe” in Arabic. Palestinians remember the day after Israeli independence in 1948. The Palestinians were removed from their land and scattered because of the Jewish “occupation”.
Palestinians have a key as symbol of remembrance. The key is a reminder of the houses they were forced out of when Israel occupied the land. The hope is to take back the land and their homes.
See video link for additional analysis.
Typically, the day is commemorated with skirmishes against the Israeli Defense Forces. Activities include Molotov cocktails, throwing rocks, burning tires, roadside bombs, terror kites, arson, grenades, pipe bombs, and destruction of property.
Palestinian protests on the Gaza/Israeli border have been occurring for weeks. Yesterday, a terror attack was foiled by the Israeli Defense Forces. At least 59 Palestinians were killed along with over 2,800 injuries on May 14 alone. This took place as the United States moved its Embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem.
There has been international outcry for excessive force used by Israel. The IDF dropped leaflets as warnings against further violence. Israel has responded by gun fire, tear gas, and air to ground missiles.
Inside the Gaza Strip, the terrorist group Hamas is threatening more violence. In response, Israel has indicated it will assassinate Hamas leadership if the violence continues. Israel sent a message to Hamas through the Egyptian press.
“If the protests continue, the assassinations will return,” Israeli Security Official.
Below are examples of the “peaceful” protests observed by the Palestinians.
Below is a one-minute video on Hamas provided by the Israeli Defense Forces.
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