Ramadan Peace Conference in Istanbul
Matthew 24:15 “Therefore when you see the ABOMINATION OF DESOLATION which was spoken of through Daniel the prophet, standing in the holy place (let the reader understand)…” –Jesus
Let me re-introduce Adnan Oktar. He is an Islamic scholar and a peace activist. Adnan Oktar openly speaks against anti-Semitism on his TV program in Turkey. He calls for Abraham’s children to come together. He has publically stated Muslims will build the Jewish Temple along with Solomon’s palace. Oktar states the Temple will be rebuilt when global peace and tranquility are at hand.
June 14, 2017: Adnan Oktar hosted a Ramadan celebration in Istanbul, Turkey. Peoples of different culture and religions were invited.
Guests included Jewish rabbis; Christian priests; politicians; members of the Turkish Assyrian, Armenian, Jewish, Greek Orthodox and Catholic communities; Jaffari, Alawite and Bekhtashi communities; orders of the Nakshibendi and the Kadiri; followers of the Treatise of Light (Nur), and National Vision Movement (Milli Görüş).
The idea was to come together in an atmosphere of love and peace.
“People are more religious in Israel, that is a blessing for the entire region and the Islamic world. They are not aware that Jews are people of love. We all will be students of the King Moshiach, the King Messiah. The love for Moshiach brings blessings to Israel, this is a vital matter. God protects Israel from all troubles. If anyone attempts any harm against Israel, we will bring heavens down on them. God promised you to live on that land. You are a blessing for Muslims, but they can’t appreciate this,” Adnan Oktar.
Rabbi Yehuda Glick of the Israeli Knesset made the road trip to Istanbul. He offered kind words for the gathering hosted by Oktar.
“My dear friend, honorary Mr. Adnan Oktar, champion of religious tolerance, champion of love to all human beings, champion of God in the world…” -Yehuda Glick
Currently, the world is in conflict and escalating towards more military intervention on a greater scale. Humanity is not trending toward peace.
Let me be clear. I am not suggesting Adnan Oktar is the antichrist or the false prophet. But I am suggesting that any man who comes in peace is one to monitor closely. Somebody will emerge from this global mess and appear to have an answer for world peace.
After all, he seems reasonable. He seems like someone we can work with…
1 Thessalonians 5:3 While people are saying, “There is peace and security,” then sudden destruction will come upon them as labor pains come upon a pregnant woman, and they will not escape.