Unveiling SET: Own it for under $50 Bucks. FREE SHIPPING

Trey Smith / God in a Nutshell Unveiling Collector’s Set.
SHORT TIME: Unveiling SET: Own it for under $50 Bucks. FREE SHIPPING. LIMITED TIME OFFER,
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1) Entities: the Beginning (Disc One) Run-time: 2 hours 23 minutes
2) Entities: the Unveiling (Disc Two) Run-Time: 2 hours 24 minutes
3) Enoch: Book of Enoch by Trey Smith. Run-Time: 2 hours 23 minutes
ALL THREE DVDs SEEN BENEATH are included in this DVD Collection
1) Entities: the Beginning (Disc One) Run-time: 2 hours 23 minutes
ACTUAL FOOTAGE of Intelligence & Creatures from another dimension is in BOTH DOCUMENTARIES…… THEY ARE PACKED WITH THE SUPERNATURAL.
It really is that simple.
Entities: the Beginning is a journey into the evidence of the supernatural realm….. the dimensions of angels and demons. The evidence, images, real footage and accounts presented in both the Beginning and the Unveiling is SIGNIFICANT.
Entities Disc One (the Beginning) not only starts with a bang by going straight into the examination of actual supernatural manifestations (and often alien looking beings that accompany them) but goes much, much deeper than this; as if the entities you are seeing today (and in this film) in their array of forms are merely a backdrop to a much, much larger picture going all the way back to pages of Genesis. We examine the mystery and symbolism that begins in the Biblical account of the Garden of Eden….. symbolism that seems to match up tit-for-tat with prophecies….. which also appears to match up eerily with archaeology kept secret on the ground — like keys God Himself intended us to find sliding into place.
This documentary also examines supernatural sites — that most reading this page don’t even know actually exist — such as Sodom & Gomorrah (still covered with sulfur missiles to this very hour), the ark of the covenant….. and the mystery of Melchizedek…. first King of Salem….. and much, much more….
All with paintings crying real tears and other such madness from every side…. the entire way……
There is NO documentary set like this on the globe. That CAN be said BOLDLY.
Entities: the Beginning (Disc One of the Entities 2 disc documentary set) Technical Specs:
Run Time: 2 hours 23 minutes
Entities Disc One is a journey into the physical and archaeological evidence of the supernatural.
2) Entities: the Unveiling (Disc Two) Run-Time: 2 hours 24 minutes
Entities: the Unveiling is a dive straight into the supernatural…… Wall-to-wall spiritual encounters for over 2 hours all the way to the intensity of the end….. Where we take steps into that other world…. the world beyond this world…. Indeed, in this documentary the evidence may easily lead you to believe that this reality is merely a tiny, tiny subset of a MUCH LARGER PLACE.
Entities: the Unveiling is a hardcore journey beyond the veil of reality….. From heaven to hell….. And a look at the things that dwell therein…..
Entities: the Unveiling (Disc Two of the Entities 2 disc documentary set) technical specs:
Run Time: 2 hours 24 minutes
Entities Disc Two is a hardcore journey beyond the veil of reality….. from heaven to hell…. and a look at the things that dwell therein.
3) Enoch: Book of Enoch by Trey Smith. Run-Time: 2 hours 23 minutes
Millions and millions have watched and listened to presentations on the different perspectives, views and meanings within the Book of Enoch by Trey Smith over the past half decade. This DVD is the most concise presentation on the Book of Enoch put forth by Trey Smith to date.
In this documentary-style breakdown, Trey integrates the Biblical texts (particularly Genesis) with the Book of the Upright (Yasher), as well as the Book of Enoch — to paint a full picture of the time periods surrounding the flood, according to these texts and supported by many, many archaeological discoveries.
This would extend to include: What was happening at the exact moments the flood of Noah began, the exact details of king Nimrod’s witchery surrounding the Tower of Babel…. and also EXTREMELY interesting insights about both Abraham…. and this mysterious Biblical King named, Melchizedek (“the King of Righteousness, and Priest of Salem” — Jerusalem).
Additionally, the most difficult portions of Enoch are broken down and made easy to understand….. Most particularly, Enoch’s calendar…. And, the meanings Enoch himself stated for his calendar.
NOTE: If you have watched the streaming version of the Enoch 364 Days, this DVD is roughly 60% or better different — and packed with a lot more content and deeper insight. It is very probably the most robust presentation on the subject of Enoch available anywhere.
Enoch Technical Specs:
Enoch: Expositional Commentary (FULL Documentary-style breakdown) of the Book of Enoch by Trey Smith
Run Time: 2 hours 23 minutes
The Book of Enoch is broken down into simple, easy to understand terms in a documentary-style format by Trey Smith.
Entities: the Beginning (Disc One) Run-time: 2 hours 23 minutes
Entities: the Unveiling (Disc Two) Run-Time: 2 hours 24 minutes
Enoch: Book of Enoch by Trey Smith. Run-Time: 2 hours 23 minutes